Implied Conditions (İma yoluyla yapılan koşul)

(İma Yoluyla Koşul)

Bazen ifadelerimizde koşul cümlesi kullanmadan da koşul ileri sürebiliriz. Bu tür ifadelerde açık olarak bir koşul cümlesi yoktur; ancak, ima edilmiş bir koşul vardır. “Geçen hafta bu arabayı alacaktım, ama param yetmedi” ifadesinde bir koşul cümlesi yoktur. Ama bu cümle, koşul cümlesi kullanarak oluşturacağımız bir başka ifadeyle eş anlamlıdır. Yani "Eğer geçen hafta param olsaydı bu arabayı geçen hafta alacaktım." ima edilmektedir. İngilizce'de, but, otherwise, or else, without, but for gibi sözcükler kullanarak, ima edilmiş koşul cümleleri oluşturabiliriz.

Otherwise: aksi taktirde
· His mother’s cooking must be good, otherwise, he wouldn’t go there every Sunday=
  If his mother’s cooking weren’t good, he wouldn’t go there every Sunday.

· There won’t be another rise in price soon; otherwise, anybody who has low budget would suffer a lot.=If there were another rise in price, anybody who has low budget would suffer a lot.

Or (else) : yoksa / aksi halde
· She didn’t tell him the truth, or (else) he would have got angry with her=
  If she had told him the truth, he would have got angry with her.

· The level of dam didn’t rise, or (else) many low land areas would have disappeared under the water.=If the level of dam had risen, many low land areas would have disappeared under the water.

· We cought the bus in time, or else we wouldn’t be watching our favourite soap opera now.=
  If we hadn’t cought the bus in time, we wouldn’t be watching our favourite soap opera now.

But: ama / fakat
· We wouldn’t have been able to get a place on the trip, but luckly they received a cancellation at the last moment. =
 We wouldn’t have been able to get a place if they hadn’t received a cancellation at the last moment.

· I was going to bed early tonight, but the film on TV is worth watching.= 
  If the film weren’t worth watching I would have gone bad early tonight.

But for: olmasaydı
· But for the storm, we would have arrived much earlier.= 
  If it had not been for the storm, we would have arrived much earlier.

· But for your help, I would not have gone there.= 
  If you had not helped me. I would not have gone there.

· But for the mud, we would be able to play football tomorrow.
  If there weren't mud, we would be able to play football tomorrow.

Without: olmazsa; olmasaydı
· Without zoos, children wouldn’t be see able to exotic animals such as tiger, apes, and elephants.=
  If there weren’t zoos, children wouldn’t be able to exotic animals such as tiger, apes and elephants.

· Without your help, the child would have been drowned. = 
  If it had not been for your help, the child would have been drowned.

· Without my help, your father couldn't have done the work. =
  If I had not helped, your father couldn't have done the work.

But that (If... not): olmasaydı
· My sister would have fallen but that I caught her.
· My sister would have fallen if I had not caught her.
  (Kız kardeşim, ben onu yakalamasaydım düşebilirdi.)
· I would come with you but that I am so busy.
· I would come with you if I were not so busy.

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