Passive in Interrogatives (Sorularda Edilgenlik.)


Etken (active) bir soru cümlesini, edilgen (passive) bir soru cümlesine dönüştürürken yine aynı kurallar geçerlidir. Cümlede kullanılan yardımcı fiil cümlenin başında kullanılarak evet / hayır soruları sorulur.

  • Has the gardener watered the plants? (Active)
  • Have the plants been watered by the gardener? (Passive)
  • Is the cashier counting the money now? (Active)
  • Is the money being counted by the cashier now? (Passive)
  • Will the secretary take the packages to the post office? (Active)
  • Will the packages be taken to the post office by the secretary? (Passive)

Wh- ile başlayan soru kelimelerinde de kural genellikle aynıdır, soru kelimesi yardımcı fiilden önce kullanılarak soru cümlesi yapılır.

  • When do you visit the relatives? (Active)
  • When are the relatives visited? (Passive)
  • Where do you keep your silver plates? (Active)
  • Where are the silver plates kept? (Passive)
  • Why aren’t you preparing the dinner? (Active)
  • Why isn’t the dinner being prepared? (Passive)
  • Where will you develop the photos? (Active)
  • Where will the photos be developed? (Passive)
  • How often should I feed the fish? (Active)
  • How often should the fish be fed? (Passive)

“How many / how much +isim” ile başlayan soru cümlelerinde cümlenin nesnesi “how many / how much” ile birlikte kullanıldığından dolayı nesne yine olduğu yerde kalır, edilgenlik (passive) cümlenin geri kalan kısmında yapılır.

  • How many guests have they invited? (Active)
  • How many guests have been invited? (Passive)
  • How much wheat do they produced annually? (Active)
  • How much wheat is produced annually? (Passive)

“What” bir cümlede nesneyi sorar. Yani, "what" ile sorulmuş bir soruda, nesne yoktur. Bu durumda, cümleyi edilgen (passive) yaparken, özne durumuna getirebileceğimiz bir sözcük yok demektir. Böyle bir cümleyi şu şekilde passive yaparız, ve edilgen (passive) bir cümlede “What” dan sonra gelen fiiller tekil olarak düşünülür.

  • What are they showing at the cinema next week? ( Active)
  • What is being shown at the cinema next week? (Passive)
  • What did you give Sally for her birthday? (Active)
  • What was given to Sally for her birthday? (Passive)
  • What have you bring for children? (Active)
  • What has been brought for children? (Passive)
  • What will we do for the party? (Active)
  • What will be done for the party? (Passive)

"Who" hem, özneyi hem de nesneyi soran bir soru kelimesi olduğundan dolayı “who” ile sorulan sorularda dikkatli olunuz. Eğer "who", eylemi yapan kişiyi (agent) yani özneyi soruyorsa edilgen (passive) yapısı“” yada “By whom …… ?” soru biçimini kullanmamız gerekir.

  • Who influenced her decision?(Active)
  • Who was her decision influenced by? (Passive)
  • By whom was her decision influenced? (Passive)
  • Who has written this article? (Active)
  • Who has this article written by ?(Passive)
  • By whom has this article written by (Passive)

"Who" nesne durumundaki kişiyi soruyorsa "by" kullanılmaz. Ancak, nesneye ait bir edat (preposition) varsa, o edilgen (passive) cümlede ya en sonda yada en başta kullanılır.

  • Who did you give that parcel? (Active)
  • Who was that parcel given? (Passive)
  • Who did she influence at the meeting? (Active)
  • Who was influenced at the party (by her)? (Passive)
  • Who has he broken into the house with? (Active)
  • Who has the house broken into with? (Passive)
  • With whom has the house broken into? (Passive)
  • Who will you lend some money to? (Active)
  • Who will some money be lent to? (Passive)
  • To whom will some money be lent? (Passive)
  • Who did you make this chocolate cake for? (Active)
  • Who was this chocolate cake made for? (Passive)
  • For whom was this chocolate cake made? (Passive)

"Whose" da hem, özneyi hem de nesneyi soran bir soru kelimesi olduğundan dolayı “whose” ile sorulan sorularda da dikkatli olunuz. Eğer "whose", eylemi yapan kişiyi (agent) yani özneyi soruyorsa edilgen (passive) yapısını  “By whose …… ?” ile sorup edilgenlik oluşturuyoruz.

  • Whose parents bought this car? (Active)
  • By whose parents was this car bought ? (Passive)
  • Whose mother will clean the house? (Active)
  • By whose mother will the house be cleaned? (Passive)

Nesneyi sorma durumunda ise “ + agent?” soru biçimini kullanmamız gerekir.

  • Whose money has the thief  stolen? (Active)
  • Whose money has been stolen by the thief  ? (Passive)
  • Whose house did the government pull down because of the new road construction? (Active)
  • Whose house was pulled down by the government because of the new road construction? (Passive)

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